Florida – Orlando / Life Interruptions (Mar 31- Sep 2018)

Where oh where have Mike and Lorraine been? Life Interruptions.

We wanted to share right away that Mike’s Mom passed away on May 25. We were lucky that we could drive our RV up to Pennsylvania and see and talk to Mom before she passed. We were so glad we got to take her to Hawaii and see the sights which she talked about when we got there. Here is one of our favorite pictures of us below. You can go back and see our trip to Hawaii at: https://www.ciminoadventures.com/Hawaii where there many more pictures of Mom enjoying Tucson and Hawaii.

In addition to that, at the end of March, Lorraine was notified that her job with NTT Data was going to be eliminated and she would officially not be an employee beginning April 13. Business wise this was not a shock since her company, NTT Data, just bought Dell Services and April 1st was the beginning of the new company. As you can imagine when companies are bought, the buyers tend to lay off resources that came with it. Lorraine was lucky that she was in the first wave because they offered her three months severance. (She has heard since then that many were only given two weeks severance.) Anyhow, we decided that we need to be in a place where she could find a job and moved to Orlando since there were many program/project management positions listed and we loved the weather there (no snow!) So we trekked across the country to Florida.

We returned to Orlando on June 5 and that was when the full attack on finding a job began. There is a very long story behind this but Lorraine promised to keep this short. First, we came to Orlando so that we could stay for free in Thousand Trails and/or Encore sights since our  membership with Thousand Trails allowed us to stay free.

Lorraine, of course, felt that it would be hard to find another remote job so we had to be in a place where we would want to settle for a while just in case she would have to go into an office.

After hundreds of applications and a a few interviews, she finally received a job offer from HPE/Cloud Technology Partners and will begin after Labor Day. The interesting thing about this job offer was that she interviewed in March and then there was a hiring freeze at HPE which finally came through on Aug 17.  The great thing about this is that she will be able to work remotely BUT she may have to travel up to 50% of the time travelling to client sites. Even with the travel, she is just glad she gets to work remote and still travel throughout the country. The other good news is that she got a 10% raise. So overall, she is grateful for finally finding a job and being able to work remote.

So we went and looked for all the Murals in Orlando Main Street – yep there are other things to see other than Disney and Universal Studios. Many did not have names or artists but they were interesting that an artist found a flat place to paint (or create tile) murals.

More travels to come.

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