Arkansas – Little Rock (Sep 16-19, 2018)

Continuing to move to Arizona and we stopped at Little Rock, Arkansas. Another state to cross off our list. Those states in white are ones where we have not stopped and visited the areas. We will get there. Lorraine’s boss told her he didn’t care where she was as long as she can get to an airport. So when we finish in Phoenix from Oct 1 2018 – March 30 2019, we will be able to tackle the upper states Looking forward to that.

As far as our trip to Arkansas, we were able to see the State Capitol.

The front of the Capitol. Designed in the Neo-classical style, the Arkansas State Capitol building was built over a century ago as a replica of the US Capitol and has been used in many movies as a stand in. The Arkansas State Capitol building features Arkansas granite and six bronze doors and three chandeliers crafted by Tiffany’s of New York. The dome has a 24-karat gold plated cupola.


According to this sign, this is the “most beautiful in the Nation” Capitol.A closer view. Look at the majestic pillars and the Bronze Doors.
The Bronze Doors that we could not enter through.
These stairs took our breath away. We chose to walk them instead of taking the elevator.
The Governor’s Reception Room. The office is off to the side.
The panoramic view of the Governor’s reception Room. Two Fireplaces and lots of room to walk around.
A close up of one of the fireplaces. The Sculptures one each side are different than the other fireplace.
The other fireplace with different sculptures.
Entrance to the Senate
The Senate Room. It is interesting that the Senate rooms look the same from Capitol to Capitol regardless of the architect. Guess it became a standard.
Entrance to the House of Representatives.
This made us chuckle. – Do not enter because of the politics – or because it was being renovated (which it was).

Above the grand staircases leading up to both the House and the Senate Chambers are four hand painted murals at the ends of the valued skylights. These were completed in 1914.

Religion (This is a replica as the original is being restored.)
War. (Another replica as this is also being restored.)
Justice (original)
Education (original) Not sure what education is going on with a naked boy in the picture.

Now a walk around the outside of the Capitol.

Monument to the Confederate Women 1861-1865
The Arkansas Medal of Honor Garden
The Arkansas Vietnam Memorial
A striking statue
The Arkansas Firefighter Memorial
Incredible detail
Can’t imagine the amount of time it takes to do these statues.
Plaque for the next statue.
Children heading to school perhaps.
The Confederate Soldiers of Arkansas 1861-1865

From there we went to the Old State House.

The Old State House Museum was established in 1833 until 1915.

Next was MacArthur Park Museum which was closed due to renovations. Interestingly, there was no statue of MacArthur on the grounds.

The Arkansas Korean War Veterans Memorial
A great view.
This certainly puts the war in perspective.

Our view from our RV was the Presidential Bridge.

A walk across the bridge which was only 1/4 mile. You can walk across and make a loop across another bridge for 1.5 mile walk.
On one night, the bridge was light up and the lights did a dance down the whole bridge.


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