Arizona – Phoenix October Feast (Oct 30, 2018)

As many of you know, we are snow-birding in Phoenix until the end of March 2019. However, we wanted to make sure we still visited areas in Phoenix we never have seen so we decided to first go to an October Feast to see what they were doing. There were not a lot of carved pumpkins but there were a lot of displays. This definitely was for the children.

The boxing ring. Not sure who was winning.



The Owl in the Cactus. They seemed to put a lot of the sculptured ones inside of a cactus probably to protect them.
Want a drink?
Mmm good?
The prisoner
Some great carvings.
The carver took a break but so far go good. Look at the tools on the table that they use.
This is going to be a great dinosaur. See the next plaque.
693 lbs! Who picked this one?
Another artist just getting started.
Looks like the old man in the shoe but he is in the cactus.
Do pumpkins like fish?
The water truck?
Backend of the water truck.
The line for the bathroom.
Leave me alone. I am not done!


So over all it was a nice day to just break away and try to have fun. Over course it was like a fair – and Lorraine had to have her funnel cake! Yum.


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