Arizona – Phoenix Murals (Oct 31, 2018)

One of the things we have found is that  most cities have murals painted throughout their city. In most case the more west you go, the higher the chance to look for them. When we go to a city, we search in Google Maps for the City, Murals and in most cases they will pop up on the map. With Phoenix there are over 100 murals through the area to include Tempe and Scottsdale so it took us a whole day to try to view most of them. We didn’t see them all and some of them we did see we didn’t take a picture because we were not impressed. However, the ones below are some really great ones. We had to walk down streets and alleys to see some of them. They are not on the front side of buildings but on the sides or the backs and you will have to hunt for them.

By the way we took over 100 pictures but I tried to select some really great ones. Next time you are in Phoenix drive around.  Newer murals are being put up all the time.

We cannot imagine how the artists come up with their themes and pictures but it is amazing how vibrant a lot of them are. There are some that need to be updated. In one case we found one that was painted over another one. Enjoy and don’t forget to look for them in the next city you are in. Most artists are commissioned by the building owners to do the murals which is nice that they get paid for their work in most cases.

When you are looking for murals, there are almost always a mural with the name of the city you are in and here is the Phoenix one.


This is the map that is in Roosevelt Row which is the artist section of Phoenix. As you can see by the list on the right, there are many just in this area.
Roosevelt Row mural
Water Writes. One of 10 in the global series of Water Writes murals.
the right side of the building for Water Writes.
The left side of the building for Water Writes.
This one still have pencil marks waiting to be finished.
The left side of the building waiting to be finished.
Untitled Collaboration between Lalo Cota and El Mac. Love the contrast between all black and white on the right and colors on the left.
Untitled between Lalo Cota and Thomas “Breeze” Marcus. Located at Angel’s Trumpet Ale House.
Untitled work by Roy Sproule at Revolver Records building. Notice all the music on the mural.
Untitled work by Amanda Adkins and is on the east-facing wall of Westind Studios on 16th Street south of Oak.
Untitled collaboration between Bishop Ortega, Larry Valencia, and Anthony Vasquez. It is located on east-facing wall of Roosevelt Community Church on First Street and Roosevelt.
The Phoenix Goddess on the east facing wall in the alley of south of McDowell between Third and Fifth Avenue.
David Bowie – 8 pictures across wall on a street. Great transformation across all pictures to capture him at all stages of his career.
Murals 3 and 4
Murals 5 and 6
Murals 7 and 8
Calle 16 which was created to build community pride in a Latino Neighborhood
A Tato Caraveo mural covers a wall in downtown Phoenix.
Collaboration of the Sun and The Moon. Colors are great.
a call to the fact that only 14,00 Jaguars remain in in the wild.
Three pictures of a mural on the side of the road. Sure spruced up the long wall from the houses. Left side.
right side.
Do you know who they are?
Another one to guess who they are. This one is easier.
Butterflies look great. This represents that those with disabilities can thrive.
Another long mural.
This actual looks like it is on a corner. great work.
Graduation celebration showing the father working hard.
from the Latino neighborhood.
a girl reading a book. What a great sequence of a mural.
I see you parking there.
Great hands.
Great alley picture.

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